Jérôme Barotin – Portrait

Portrait of Jérôme Barotin – Devops / SRE Engineer.

« With the S4E team, energy is under control »

Who are you  ?  

Jérôme Barotin, 38 years old a university graduated engineer (Nantes, Lorient and Le Mans Universities) I have been passionate about IT since I was a child.

After 15 years working mainly on monitoring and mobile networks, I joined S4E three years ago to develop the Energysoft sotware and in particular to evolve the infrastructure towards the cloud.

Could you tell us about your job ?

As part of the S4E team, the editor of the SAAS software based in Lorient, I am a Devops/SRE engineer. My job consists of making sure the Energysoft software works correctly. This involves principally:

Monitoring and ensuring the good operation of the Energysoft solution (communication with the developers, monitoring the system indicators and the identification of causes, update of third-party software)

Making sure that the Energysoft solution is adaptable to several European clouds

Planning the future evolutions of the infrastructure (Capaplanning)

Managing the interactions (API) with third parties

Managing the back ups

Respecting the norms in situ (Security and networks)

Developing the system and the lower level of the application (Java and Python)

Managing the numeric tools of the team (gitlab)

I am also responsible for the modelisation part of the irradiations on Energysoft (Python, Scikit Learn, numpy, PVlib).

What sort of colleague are you ? 

A longterm Linuxian, I am passionate about Open Source, algorithms and state of the art IT science. I like understanding how things work and enjoy discussing my ideas in order to develop them.

What do you enjoy doing at the weekend?

At the weekend I like making the most of my region by going on a boatride or out into the nature with family and friends. I also like buying old vinyl records !

About S4E

Founded in 2010 S4E is a software editor, specialised in energy information systems. ENERGYSOFT monitors today more than 6700 installations which diversify the energy mix over the land, with more than 940 MWc or renewable energy projects. This solution is dedicated to monitor and maintain decentralised grid connected production arrays on roofs or on the ground, in autoconsumption and with or without energy storage.

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